Our network with PDI-NT readout method consists of a PDI-NT (Power Data Interface New Technology) box and a CM-1000 box or a network of these boxes. Using these boxes, the bolt load from CMS sensors can be continuously visualized. The PDI-NT is a connection box that connects the BoltSafe sensor network. The difference with the PDI box in our product range is that with the PDI-NT box, no PC is needed because it has an integrated display. Another benefit of the PDI-NT is the option to provide various analog output signals, like 4-20 mA or 0-10 Vdc. Besides that, it is capable of generating an alarm when bolt load has reached levels that are too high or too low. It can trend the bolt load during a predefined period and it is able to create custom-made applications. Last but not least, it is capable of connecting the BoltSafe load cells to other platforms. The CM-1000 Network box is designed to connect individual BoltSafe CMS bolt load cells to a network. A network can consist of several CM-1000 boxes. The unit is designed to provide excellent shielding against rough environments and EMC noise (noise from ElectroMagnetic Compatibility).